Male fertility should not be a problem if proper diet and exercise is done daily. It is necessary to focus on the male fertility as there are very less symptoms of it one will realize the issue only when they are having intercourse or when they are planning for kid. Male infertility can be caused due to many reasons like low sperm quality, low sperm production, nil production of sperm, hormonal imbalance, irregular shape and size of the sperm, low motility, less viability, low sperm count and many more can be the reasons. The very dangerous reason of male infertility is when damage occurs to the testicles as it is irreversible process.
Male infertility can be due to hormonal imbalance but percentage of hormonal imbalance associated issues to male infertility is very less. Testes help in production of sperms, and this regulation occurs due to the endocrine system. The hypothalamus – pituitary gland regulates the secretion of hormones. The most important hormone which is responsible for the secretion of other hormone is GnRH - gonadotrophic-releasing hormone. Gonadotrophic-releasing hormone stimulates the synthesis of testosterone and is important for sperm production. If gonadotrophic-releasing hormone decreases then adverse effect will be directly on the production of sperm.
If hypothalamus
– pituitary gland is damaged then it can create many issue. Hypothalamus –
pituitary gland is responsible for secretion of other hormones like Luteinizing
hormone and follicle stimulating hormone. Luteinizing hormone and follicle
stimulating hormone helps in stimulating testes, secretion of testosterone and
sperm production respectively. The above two hormones play a very vital role in
stimulating testes and sperm production, cessation of these hormones can lead
to male infertility.
Male fertility will not be
an issue if proper care is taken including diet, routine work and exercise. If
everything is scheduled properly then it will help a lot to maintain the
overall health of reproductive system.
2Awesome Comments!
The rate of male infertility are increasing in an alarming way. Stress, fast foods , unhealthy diet and lack of exercises seems to be main reason for this
very useful post. Increase male fertility with the use of baby capsule.