Female Fertility

A hormone plays a major role in female fertility and female infertility. Balanced regulation of hormones helps a woman to remain healthy. The first indicator for female fertility is when she gets menstrual cycle. The hormones like estrogen, progesterone, Luteinizing hormone, Follicle stimulating hormone are some of the hormones responsible for the menstruation.
Estrogen is the main hormone that helps to give female characteristic. Female characteristics like shrill voice, more fats on thighs, hips and breast, long hairs etc. are observed because of the hormone estrogen. During menstruation cycle estrogen hormone decreases and after the completion of menstrual cycle it slowly increases. Estrogen helps to thicken the lining of uterus and prepare an appropriate environment for implantation but if a lady does not conceive then everything shed off and comes out during menstrual cycle. Estrogen plays important role in female fertility. Female can improve their fertility using Female Fertility Supplements.If estrogen hormone regulation is not proper then it can lead to female infertility problems. 

Progesterone hormone also works similar like estrogen. Progesterone hormone provides nutrition to egg and help it to get mature and survive. When an egg is released it travels into fallopian tube the egg needs energy and nutrition, progesterone provides nutrition to it to survive. Progesterone also helps to thicken the lining of uterus, so that implantation can occur properly. During the mid cycle of menstruation, estrogen and progesterone increases.  Progesterone is very essential if not present can lead to complications associated to female infertility.
Follicle stimulating hormone helps to mature the egg when they are present in follicles. FSH plays a major role as it helps in maturing as well as ripening of the egg. Most of the female infertility problems can occur due to less or more level of FSH in the body. Irregular periods and early menopause, FSH can be one of the reason of it. FSH if high in level can ripen the egg very fast that leads to bad quality egg and fertilization does not occur. FSH increases in starting of menstrual cycle and at the end of menstrual cycle.
Luteinizing hormone is the hormone which is releases on the ovulation day. LH releases before 1 to 1.5 day of ovulation. It is an indicator where in advance we can detect the fertile window.  LH hormone is secreted when the mature egg releases from the follicle. Many kits are available that helps to know the ovulation so that you can plan pregnancy.
For female fertility the hormones should regulate in a proper manner.