Female Fertility

A hormone plays a major role in female fertility and female infertility. Balanced regulation of hormones helps a woman to remain healthy. The first indicator for female fertility is when she gets menstrual cycle. The hormones like estrogen, progesterone, Luteinizing hormone, Follicle stimulating hormone are some of the hormones responsible for the menstruation.
Estrogen is the main hormone that helps to give female characteristic. Female characteristics like shrill voice, more fats on thighs, hips and breast, long hairs etc. are observed because of the hormone estrogen. During menstruation cycle estrogen hormone decreases and after the completion of menstrual cycle it slowly increases. Estrogen helps to thicken the lining of uterus and prepare an appropriate environment for implantation but if a lady does not conceive then everything shed off and comes out during menstrual cycle. Estrogen plays important role in female fertility. Female can improve their fertility using Female Fertility Supplements.If estrogen hormone regulation is not proper then it can lead to female infertility problems. 

Progesterone hormone also works similar like estrogen. Progesterone hormone provides nutrition to egg and help it to get mature and survive. When an egg is released it travels into fallopian tube the egg needs energy and nutrition, progesterone provides nutrition to it to survive. Progesterone also helps to thicken the lining of uterus, so that implantation can occur properly. During the mid cycle of menstruation, estrogen and progesterone increases.  Progesterone is very essential if not present can lead to complications associated to female infertility.
Follicle stimulating hormone helps to mature the egg when they are present in follicles. FSH plays a major role as it helps in maturing as well as ripening of the egg. Most of the female infertility problems can occur due to less or more level of FSH in the body. Irregular periods and early menopause, FSH can be one of the reason of it. FSH if high in level can ripen the egg very fast that leads to bad quality egg and fertilization does not occur. FSH increases in starting of menstrual cycle and at the end of menstrual cycle.
Luteinizing hormone is the hormone which is releases on the ovulation day. LH releases before 1 to 1.5 day of ovulation. It is an indicator where in advance we can detect the fertile window.  LH hormone is secreted when the mature egg releases from the follicle. Many kits are available that helps to know the ovulation so that you can plan pregnancy.
For female fertility the hormones should regulate in a proper manner.

Male infertility problem and treatments

Male fertility should not be a problem if proper diet and exercise is done daily. It is necessary to focus on the male fertility as there are very less symptoms of it one will realize the issue only when they are having intercourse or when they are planning for kid. Male infertility can be caused due to many reasons like low sperm quality, low sperm production, nil production of sperm, hormonal imbalance, irregular shape and size of the sperm, low motility, less viability, low sperm count and many more can be the reasons. The very dangerous reason of male infertility is when damage occurs to the testicles as it is irreversible process. 

Male infertility can be due to hormonal imbalance but percentage of hormonal imbalance associated issues to male infertility is very less. Testes help in production of sperms, and this regulation occurs due to the endocrine system. The hypothalamus – pituitary gland regulates the secretion of hormones. The most important hormone which is responsible for the secretion of other hormone is GnRH - gonadotrophic-releasing hormone. Gonadotrophic-releasing hormone stimulates the synthesis of testosterone and is important for sperm production. If gonadotrophic-releasing hormone decreases then adverse effect will be directly on the production of sperm. 

If hypothalamus – pituitary gland is damaged then it can create many issue. Hypothalamus – pituitary gland is responsible for secretion of other hormones like Luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone. Luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone helps in stimulating testes, secretion of testosterone and sperm production respectively. The above two hormones play a very vital role in stimulating testes and sperm production, cessation of these hormones can lead to male infertility.
Male fertility will not be an issue if proper care is taken including diet, routine work and exercise. If everything is scheduled properly then it will help a lot to maintain the overall health of reproductive system.

Best Solution For Improving Male Fertility

A very common and dangerous problem which is increasing day by day is Male infertility. Hectic schedules, pressure at work place, stress, and tension can affect the health of reproductive system. Addictions like chewing tobacco, smoking cigarettes, taking drugs and drinking alcohol are very dangerous and main cause for the male infertility. Unhealthy food habits like burger, pizza or the food items containing more of maida can affect your overall health including reproductive system. Male fertility can also be affected due to excess of physical activity so one has to take proper advice before doing it.

In this polluted atmosphere one has to take proper care of their health. Regular exercise, healthy food habit, no addiction is the best way to maintain the overall health including reproductive system. It is very important to maintain sperm health as the above factors can affect them very heavily. The above factors may decrease the sperm count and sperm motility. To become fertile, sperm count should be at least 20 million per milliliter. If sperm count is low then it is one of the male infertility issues. Sperm should be highly motile and active as it has to reach to the mature egg. The size and shape should be appropriate so that it can attach the mature egg and is healthy enough for fertilization.

To maintain male fertility, herbal medicines work very effectively with no side effects. Herbal treatment is always better than any other treatment in such critical complication. As herbal treatment does not have side effects it is better than other treatments which have adverse effect. Male infertility is a critical issue so it needs proper guidance and safe male infertility treatments.

It is better to take proper care of your overall health before it gets late. To maintain male fertility one should do regular exercise it gives you more energy and keeps you enthusiastic. One should eat healthy food like fruits, green leafy vegetables etc. Fruits containing more of Vitamin C should be consumed more as it acts as an antioxidant. And you should take male fertility supplements, the diet should not contain more of fats and cholesterol as it affects on the health of reproductive system as well as sperm health. If an individual have addiction, slowly and gradually one should quit it.

Male fertility is also affected is a person is affected by some other ailment also. In such cases they have to take treatment for both the things.


Male Infertility Causes And Solutions

Male infertility Infertility is a very serious and sensitive issue in the life of any married couple. As we all know, life is incomplete without children. Unfortunately, infertility related issues are increasing globally. Studies reveal that one in every six couples suffers from infertility related problems. However, due to advancements in technology and science, now a variety of Male infertility treatments are available.

Generally, people blame women if they face any kind of infertility problems. But studies show that men play just as important role when it comes to infertility. These same studies show that 40 percent of infertility related problems are due to men and another 40 percent are due to female related issues. The remaining 20 percent may be due to a mixture of male and female related problems.

Male infertility means the inability of male to contribute to pregnancy with a fertile female. There are many reasons for male infertility and sperm play an important role. Sperm count, sperm motility and sperm morphology are major factors which decide fertility levels in men. Seamen analysis or sperm count test is the best way to check the amount of seamen a man produce along with the quantity and quality. Now, there are many at home sperm check test kits available online and over-the-counter which can check sperm count within minutes. They are easy to use and provide you privacy and comfort as the test can be performed at home. The test result is reliable. These kits are affordable and easily available.

If you have already been diagnosed with low sperm count, then you should boost your sperm count through doctor approved male fertility supplements such as Fertilaid for Men or CountBoost or MotilityBoost. You should also ensure a healthy lifestyle including a good diet and exercise I order for healthy formation of sperm and for improving motility and morphology. Tobacco in any form, alcohol and marijuana are very harmful and can cause low sperm count or poor motility. You should keep away from these addictions. It will help in increasing sperm count and improving sperm motility.

Natural Process to increase sperm count

Low sperm count is one of the key reasons of male infertility. Others include poor sperm morphology. As per WHO guidelines sperm concentration should be over 20 million per milliliter. If count is less than 20 million per milliliter, it is referred as low.

Sperm count is affected by many variables from environmental factors to biological issues, to life style choices etc. However, there are many ways to Increase sperm count naturally.

1. Avoid Smoking: Smoking reduces sperm motility by fifty percent. Keeping away from smoking helps increase sperm motility as well as it helps in overall reproductive wellness.

2. Alcohol use: Alcohol abuse does affect sperm motility. Giving up this habit can improve sperm count.

3. Avoid use of cocaine or marijuana: if you want healthy sperm production than you should avoid any kind of use of cocaine or marijuana as it can reduce count and decrease the quality of sperm in semen.

4. Avoid other illegal drugs: Anabolic steroids which are taken to stimulate muscle strength and growth can also cause the testicles to shrink and decrease production.

5. Maintain proper weight: Weight also play a very important role in your male fertility. Weight increase can cause hormonal imbalance which in turn reduces sperm count. For healthy production of good quality sperm you should maintain a proper healthy weight.

6. Reduce Stress: Any kind of prolonged stress is harmful for sperm production. As stress can interfere in the proper function of certain hormones it results in low sperm count and poor quality of sperm. If you want healthy sperm production than you should reduce stress levels by regular practice of yoga or any other kind of meditation.

7. Eat balanced food: In order to maintain healthy reproductive life, you should take balance food which contains proper amount of vitamins and minerals. Vitamins C and E are especially important as these vitamins are thought to protect sperm against damage by the environmental stressors.

8. Avoid hot bath or saunas: you should avoid hot bath or hot tub or saunas as these can cause low sperm production or bad quality of sperm. If you are spending 30 minutes or more in high temperature water (around or over 102 degrees Fahrenheit) than it can significantly lower sperm count.

9. Avoid heating of testicles: Tight clothing, prolonged sitting or using laptops on one's lap for a long time can cause low sperm production. So, you should choose your clothes carefully and take a break after every hour from continuous sitting.

10. Prolonged bicycling. Prolonged bicycling is another possible cause of reduced sperm count due to overheating of the testicles

Apart from the above ways to and Increase male fertility, you can also try natural supplements like Fertilaid for Men or Countboost or Motilityboost which promise to increase sperm production and improve sperm motility. Checkout these natural and herbal dietary supplements as they have no side effects.